Our Services and what we do

Import & Export
Works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world.
We have experienced for international trading who located North America and China, and we do service for introduce customer to some providers which is customer is looking for based our network.
Even we could do trading consulting, custom clearance and trading documents for customer.
We'll help customer for looking for goods which is they want to import and negotiation to get contract our experience will effaced for that.
Also we could provide total trading service for importer and exporter who need support.
And we could give customer total advice for how to do if products going to through the third countries that is one of the international trading form.
[Business experience ]
*Market research
*Agency deal
*Translation (Japanese, English, Chinese)
*Interpretation (Japanese, English, Chinese)
<Following is experience trading history>
* Lead / North America
* Seafood/ Thailand, India, Pakistan
*Machine (pneumatic equipment) / Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China
*Lumber (Finger joint ) / Canada, China, Russia,
Now we supplies Philippine sand and gravels/ Singapore, Taiwan, Hong kong.
Japanese A4-5 ranked Matsuzaka beef and Miyazaki beef .

The Investment Division of the Genellon has been exerting efforts in initiating, coordinating and implementing investment promotion activities that aim to generate the actual investment from Japan into ASEAN countries and other countries to Japan. At present, the main activities of the Division are as follows:
(1) Investment Promotion Seminar in Japan
This activity involves inviting high- ranking ASEAN officials, Japanese experts, Japanese business representatives in ASEAN to be speakers in the seminars in Japan, the seminars can also be organized in ASEAN countries per request from ASEAN Member Countries. It is aimed at disseminating information on the investment climates, investment promotion policies and incentives, attractiveness and issues concerning investment in any respective ASEAN Member Country.
We do opposite way to promote to Japan also.
(2) Investment Promotion Mission in ASEAN and Japan.
This activity is participated in by representatives from the public and private sectors, academia and media from Japan to ASEAN countries. It is organized with the objective of providing participants with first-hand information on the investment and business environment through visits to investment-related ASEAN and Japanese government organizations and facilities, Japanese and local business facilities, and industrial associations in ASEAN. Under this activity Japanese expert can also be dispatched to ASEAN countries to give lectures and advices to business in order to help ASEAN business develop to meet Japanese standards.
(3) Industrial Familiarization Mission in Japan
This activity is intended for representatives from public and private sectors from ASEAN Member Countries to visit Japanese government organizations, Japanese business and industrial associations in Japan to learn about trends, development, and requirement of Japanese businesses and industries. Missions can also be dispatched to other ASEAN countries upon the request from ASEAN Member Countries.
Publication & Distribution of Investment Collateral Materials & Networking
The Division publishes and distributes investment promotion guidebooks and investment-related materials of ASEAN Member Countries as well as attends to inquiries regarding general information of investment in ASEAN. Information on Japanese investment in ASEAN is updated and provided through the Centre’s website. The Division also works on enhancing and strengthening networking with ASEAN counterparts, investment-related Japanese and ASEAN public and private sectors and relevant stakeholders.

Taking Over and managing your business
Selling your business will likely be one of the biggest decisions of your business life.
No doubt you have a good idea of what your business is worth. But there are many factors to consider when putting your company on the market.
Is now the best time to sell? Should I look for a cash deal or should I consider certain terms? What about confidentiality?
Teaming with a professional business intermediary will provide the expertise to help you make those decisions. Consider working with a us, a professional who fully understands what it takes to successfully sell a business. Genellon Inc. can bring significant value to the complex process and help you complete a sale that will include the best possible value and some peace of mind.